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SSK Research Group
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2021 World Congress
2021 World Congress - Date: 08/19/2021 (Thursday) - Venue: Online session. ◦ Topic: Comprehensive Development Cooperation Partnership Theory. ◦ Chairperson: Kim, SungGyu (Korea University) ◦ Presenter: Kim, Seokwoo (University of Seoul) Hong, JiYoung (EDCF) ...more11.30 16:15
[CIDEC SSK] 2021 KAIDEC Summer Conference SSK Session
2021 KAIDEC Summer Conference SSK Session - Date: 07/09/2021 (Friday) - Venue: Online session. ◦ Topic: COVID-19 and SDGs. ◦ Chairperson: Kim, BooYuel (Seoul National University) ◦ Presenter: Kim, Taekyoon (Seoul National University) ...more11.30 15:15
[CIDEC SSK] 2021 KAAS the First Half Conference
[CIDEC SSK] 2021 KAAS the First Half Conference - Date: Jun 05, 2021 - Time: 15:10 - 16:20 - Online Session ◦ Topic: Africa and Development Comparative Perspectives ◦ Chair: Kim, Jiyoung (Soongsil University) ◦ Presenter: ...more06.23 15:31
The 8th CIDEC SSK Colloquium
The 8th CIDEC SSK Colloquium - Date: Feb 24, 2021 - Time: 16:00 - Venue: Online Colloquium ◦ Lecturer: Stephan Klingebiel (UNDP) ◦ Topic: COVID-19 Impact and UNDP Cooperation Structure to Responsesmore03.19 09:33
2020-2021 SSK Networking : The 2nd Symposium
2020-2021 SSK Networking : The 2nd Symposium - Date: Feb 24, 2020 - Time: 12:00 - 14:00 - Venue: LW Convention Center Room 7 ◦ Topic: Issue Battle / COVID-19, Economic Crisis and Policies of Donor Countries- Why, to whom, and when? ◦ Chair: Moon, Kyungyon (Chonbuk National University) ...more03.19 09:32
[CIDEC SSK] 2020 KPSA Annual Conference
[CIDEC SSK] 2020 KPSA Annual Conference - Date: Dec 12, 2020 - Time: 10:50 - 12:30 - Online Session ◦ Topic: COVID19 and International Development Cooperation ◦ Chair: Kim, Seokwoo (University of Seoul) ◦ Presenter: - ...more03.18 17:22
The 7th CIDEC SSK Colloquium
The 7th CIDEC SSK Colloquium - Date: Nov 16, 2020 - Time: 17:00 - Venue: Online Colloquium ◦ Lecturer: Jun Mo Lee (Concern Worldwide Korea) ◦ Topic: United Nations Humanitarian State Team and Concern Worldwide's Support for North Koreamore12.15 16:42
2020-2021 SSK Networking : The 1st Symposium
2020-2021 SSK Networking : The 1st Symposium - Date: Oct 23, 2020 - Time: 10:00 - 18:00 - Venue: LW Convention Center ◦ Topic: Issue Battle / COVID-19, Economic Crisis and Policies of Donor Countries- Why, to whom, and when? ◦ Chair: Kim, Seokwoo (University of Seoul) ...more10.23 20:17
[CIDEC SSK] 2020 KAIDEC Annual Summer Conference
[CIDEC SSK] 2020 KAIDEC Annual Summer Conference - Date: Aug 21, 2020 - Time: 15:20 - 16:40 - Online Session ◦ Topic: Trend and Cases of International Development Cooperation : ODA, Political Ideology, and Business Effectiveness ◦...more08.25 14:27
[CIDEC SSK] 2020 KAIS Annual Summer Conference
[CIDEC SSK] 2020 KAIS Annual Conference - Date: Jul 02, 2020 - Time: 13:30 - 15:20 - Venue: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Seminar Room C306 ◦ Topic: A Case Study of Regionalism in International Development Cooperation ◦ Chair: Jung, Heon Ju (Yonsei ...more07.06 13:14
2019-2020 SSK Networking : The 4th Symposium
2019-2020 SSK Networking : The 4th Symposium - Date: Jun 26, 2020 - Time: 10:00 - 12:00 - Venue: LW Convention Center Room 3 ◦ Presenter - Kim, Youngwan (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies): A Study on the Analysis of the Refugee Cam...more07.06 11:29
2019-2020 SSK Networking : The 2nd Symposium
2019-2020 SSK Networking : The 2nd Symposium - Date: Dec 10, 2019 - Time: 10:00 - 12:00 - Venue: LW Convention Center Room 3 ◦ Presenter - Lee, Jae Young(Soongsil University): Does American and Chinese aid draw political support from the African Recipient Countries? ◦ D...more07.06 11:21
2019-2020 SSK Networking : The 1st Symposium
2019-2020 SSK Networking : The 1st Symposium - Date: Oct 25, 2019 - Time: 10:00 - 18:00 - Venue: LW Convention Center ◦ Presenter - Woo, Chang Bin (Kyung Hee University): The Impact of Partnerships and Government Governance on the Performance of Projects: Focusing on...more07.06 11:14
The 6th CIDEC SSK Colloquium
The 6th CIDEC SSK Colloquium - Date: May 27, 2020 - Time: 16:30 - 18:00 - Venue: Online Colloquium ◦ Lecturer: Doyeon Won (Director of UNFPA Seoul Office) ◦ Topic: United Nations Partnershipmore05.28 11:06
Bangkok Conference : Regional Seminar on Partnerships
About 70 people participated in the ¡°Regional Seminar on Development Partnership & South-South Cooperation Towards Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development¡±. The seminar was convened by the Centre for International Development and Cooperation (Kyung Hee University-Republic of Korea), the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation and th...more02.06 18:00
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