[Academic Conference] 2021 World Congress SSK-UNOSSC Session
- Date: Friday, August 20, 2021
- Location: Online Session
- Topic: The Role of South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Decentralization and Publication Administration
- Presentation:
- South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Asia-Pacific
- South-South Network for Public Service Innovation
- Design of Monitoring and Evaluation and Performance of Project
[Academic Conference] 2021 World Congress SSK Session
- Date: Thursday, August 19, 2021
- Location: Online Session
- Topic: Theory of Comprehensive Development Partnership
- Presentation:
- Discussion of a Comprehensive Partnership in International Development Cooperation
- Government-Civil Society Partnership Analysis: Focusing on public-private cooperation projects for humanitarian assistance in major donor countries
- he Origin of Transnational Partnership and Protection-Development Cooperation Nexus: Integrated access to UNRRA and refugee protection, humanitarian assistance, and development cooperation
[Academic Conference] 2021 KAIDEC Summer Academic Conference SSK Session
- Date: Friday, July 9, 2021
- Location: Online Session
- Topic: COVID-19 and SDGs
- Presentation:
- COVID-19 Pandemic and the Competition for Internal Power in Global Southern Hemisphere: Focusing on the competition between China and India
- SDG 17 Partnership - Focusing on KOICA's partnership with CSO
- Responsibility for SDGs in the context of COVID-19: Shared but discriminatory responsibility
[Academic Conference] 2021 KAAS the First Half Conference
- Date: Friday, June 5, 2021
- Location: Online Session
- Topic: Africa and Development Comparative Perspectives
- Presentation:
- The (dis)connected in South Africa
- An electoral geography of Africa: Regionalism and sectoral profile of persistent electoral blocs
- Foreign Aid and Regime Survival in North Korea and Africa
[Academic Conference] 2020 KPSA Annual Conference SSK Session
- Date: Saturday, December 12, 2020
- Location: Online Session
- Topic: COVID19 and International Development Cooperation
- Presentation:
- COVID-19 Response and International Development Cooperation in South Korea
- Adaptive Learning and Student Performance : Evidence from Vietnam
- Hunger and the Data Challenge : Case of North Korea in the New Eras of SDGs and COVID
[Symposium] 2020-21 SSK Networking: The 1st Symposium
- Date: Friday, October 23, 2020
- Location: LW Convention Center
- Topic: Issue Battle / COVID-19, Economic Crisis and Policies of Donor Countries- Why, to whom, and when?
[Academic Conference] 2020 KAIDEC Summer Academic Conference SSK Session
- Date: Friday, August 21, 2020
- Location: Online Session
- Topic: Trend and Cases of International Development Cooperation : ODA, Political Ideology, and Business
- Presentation:
- A Study on the Conservatization of ODA in the Global Economic Crisis
- Intergroup competition increases intragroup cooperation : Experimental evidence from Myanmar and Cambodia
- Effects of Social Capital and Governance on the Performance of Development Cooperation Projects : Focusing on Rural Community Development Projects in Myanmar
[Academic conference] 2019 KAIS Summer Academic Conference SSK Session
- Date: Thursday, July 2, 2020
- Location: Cyber Hall C306, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
- Topic: Case Studies on Regionalism in International Development Cooperation
- Presentation:
- ASEAN Regionalism and Korean ODA Policies toward ASEAN
- Regional Development and Inequality: East Asia's Lessons from EU's Cohesion Policy and Structural Funds
- Cooperation Mechanism between North Korea's Governance and Actors in Humanitarian Aid towards North Korea
[Symposium] 2019-20 SSK Networking: The 4th Symposium
- Date: Friday, June 26, 2020
- Location: LW Convention center
- Presentation:
- An Analysis of Refugee Camp Project from the Perspective of International Development Cooperation
- The Meaning of the United Nations' Cooperation Strategy with North Korea and the Implication of Inter-Korean Development Cooperation Focused on SDGs to the Peace of the Korean Peninsula
- An Analysis of the Global Trends in the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
[Academic Conference] Regional Seminar on Development Partnership & South-South Cooperation Towards Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2020
- Location: UN Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand
- Topics:
- Development Cooperation Partnerships and the Roles of Multi-stakeholders in SS-TrC
- Roles of Multi-stakeholders: Challenges and Opportunities
- Case Studies on Partnerships for Development, South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Asia Pacific
[Symposium] 2019-20 SSK Networking: The 2nd Symposium
- Date: Friday, December 20, 2019
- Location: LW Convention Center
- Presentation: Does American and Chinese Aid Draw Political Support from the African Recipient Countries?
[Academic conference] 2019 KAIS Annual Conference SSK Session
- Date: Saturday, December 14, 2019
- Location: 2nd Seminar Room at Korea National Diplomatic Academy
- Topic: Inclusive Partnership Evaluation in Development Cooperation: Case Study on OECD DAC members
- Presentation:
- Case Studies on the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovenia
- An Analysis on Determinants of In-donor Refugee Costs
- Case Studies on Belgium and Switzerland
[Academic conference] 2019 KAIDEC Winter Academic Conference SSK Session
- Date: Friday, December 13, 2019
- Location: International Education Building, Ewha Womans University
- Topic: Study on Peace-Development Nexus
- Presentation:
- Humanitarian Assistance Governance Response to Nepal Earthquake in 2015: Focusing on the Relationship among Actors at the Global Level and the National Level
- What Affects South Korean Civil society Organizations' Aid Allocation?
- Why is Aid Given to Post-sanctions Countries? The Dynamics of UN Sanctions, Armed Conflict, and Foreign Aid
[Symposium] 2019-20 SSK Networking : The 1st Symposium
- Date: Friday, October 25, 2019
- Location: LW Convention Center
- Presentation:
- Impacts of Partnership and Governance on Project Performance: Focusing on the projects of the Asian Development Bank
- Humanitarian Aid Activists' Coordination Mechanism on Development Cooperation for North Korea
- South Korea's New Southern Policy and International Development Cooperation in ASEAN
[Forum] 2019 Humanitarian Forum
- Date: Monday, August 19, 2019
- Location: Seoul Citizens Hall, Baseurak Hall
- Topic: Complex Conflicts and their Impact on Communities and Humanitarian Aid
[Symposium] 2018-19 SSK Networking 4th Symposium
- Date: Friday, May 15, 2019
- Location: LW Convention Center
- Topic: Legislative Trend & Challenges of Law in regard to International Development Cooperation
[Symposium] 2018-19 SSK Networking 3rd Symposium
- Date: Friday, February 15, 2019
- Location: LW Convention Center
[Workshop] The 1st CIDEC SSK Workshop
- Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2019
- Location: TOZ Work Center
[Symposium] 2018-19 SSK Networking : The 2nd Symposium
- Date: Friday, December 14, 2018
- Location: Duksung Women's University
- Topic: Academic Conference on Next Generation Social Scientists and Achievement Meeting on SSK Research Center
[Forum] 2018 KIPA-KAIDEC ODA Forum
- Date: Friday, December 7, 2018
- Location: Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University
- Topic: Special Session on KAIDEC Annual Winter Conference - Administration Module for empowerment of developing countries' policy management
[Forum] 2018 Oxfam Forum- Innovation on Sustainable Development Projects
- Date: Friday, November 9, 2018
- Location: Kyung Hee University Chungwonghwan B117
- Topic: Innvation on Sustainable Development Projects
[Forum] Promotion of Development Cooperation between NGO and Intranational Organization through partnership between Korean Civil Society- Government
- Date: Friday, October 19, 2018
- Location: Ferrum Tower, Ferrum Hall
- Topic: Global Trend of Multilateral Development Aids Projects and Implications of Government- Civil Society Development Cooperation Partnership
[Forum] Joint Seminar with National Assembly Research Service <The Direction of International Development Cooperation Governance and the Role of the National Assembly>
- Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2018
- Location: National Assembly, the House of Representatives
- Presentation:
- A Study on the Diagnosis and Improvement of Korea Development Cooperation
- The role of the National Assembly for the Development of Korean Development Cooperation Governance
[Forum] Joint Seminar with Kyung Hee University Graduate School of Public Policy and Civic Engagement
- Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2018
- Location: Kyung Hee University Main Hall
- Topics: Religious NGOs, Humanitarianism, and Development
[Forum] Joint Seminar with Good Neighbors and KOICA
- Date: Monday, April 30, 2018
- Location: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Topics: To find ways to expand cooperation with international organizations by Korean NGOs
[Academic conference] 2017 KAIDEC Winter Academic Conference SSK session
- Date: Friday, December 8, 2017
- Location: Yonsei University GSIS
- Topics: Publishing Papers in Domestic and International Journals
[Academic conference] 2017 KAIDEC Summer Academic Conference SSK session
- Date: Friday, June 9, 2017
- Location: Seoul National University Asia Center
- Topics: Publishing Papers in Domestic and International Journals
[Forum] Joint Seminar with the Asan Institute for Policy Studies
- Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2017
- Location: Main Hall at AIPS
- Topics: Issues and Direction of the New Government ODA Policy
[Academic conference] 2016 KAIDEC Winter Academic Conference SSK Session
- Date: Friday, December 9, 2016
- Location: Korea Institute of Public Administration
- Topics:
- An Analysis on Determinants of Development Partnership: Focused upon SIDA and NORAD
- Comparative Study of Rwanda and Burundi Regarding their Economic Development: Focusing on International and Domestic Factors
- A Critical Review of the Debate on Bilateral vs. Multilateral ODA
[Symposium] 2016 SSK Networking 1st Symposium
- Date: Friday, November 25, 2016
- Location: LW Convention Center
- Presentation: Direction of, and Challenges for, Korean Development Cooperation to Achieve SDGs
[Forum] Joint Seminar with the Asan Institute for Policy Studies
- Date/time: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 07:00pm-09:00pm
- Location: Seminar Room at AIPS
- Topic: From Middle Power to Pivot Power: Refashioning Korea's ODA in the Post-2015
[Forum] SSK Joint Academic Seminar
- Date/time: Thursday, July 28, 2016 09:40am-12:20pm
- Location: Yeonhi Hall Suite 106, Yonsei University
- Section 1: Strategies for Successful Compliance with International Norms
- Topic 1: The Impact of Financing Partnership on the Outcomes of Development Projects
- Topic 2: Rebirth of the Nation State in the Sustainable Development Era
- Topic 3: Research on Types of Policy Response to International Norms - Focusing on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
- Topic 4: Focus on the Quality of Government Regarding Environmental Policy Tools and the Awareness on the Role of Government
- Section 2: International Development Partnership Strategies and the Role of Government for Sustainable Development
- Topic 1: Development of Strategies for Building Comprehensive Development Partnership based on Korean Experience
- Topic 2: Changes in the International Regime, State Capacities and Government's Role
[Academic conference] 2016 KPSA Summer Academic Conference
- Date/time: Friday, July 1, 2016 09:00am-11:00am
- Location: Busan Dongseo University Centum Campus
- Topic: Foreign Aid, Partnership and Quality of Life
[Symposium] 2015-2016 SSK Networking 4th Symposium
- Date/time: Friday, April 22, 2016 09:00am-06:00pm
- Location: LW Convention
- Topics:
- 1) Analysis of Successful International Development Cooperation Project: In Case of Korean Hospital at El Alto in Bolivia
- 2) Does Participation of Non-state Actors Improve Development Project Outcome: More than a Bit?
- 3) An Emotional Approach to International Relations Theory
- 4) A Critique on Nuclear Cooperation Pessimism
[Forum] Kyung Hee Univesity SSK Research Team - Joint Seminar with the AIPS
- Date/time: Thursday, April 30, 2015 07:00pm-09:00pm
- Location: Seminar Room at AIPS
- Topic: Domestic Sources of ODA Policy: Domestic Welfare Policy and ODA Policy
[Workshop] 2015 SSK Joint Workshop
- Date/time: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 04:00pm-06:00pm
- Location: Ehwa Womans University ECC B150
- Topics:
- 1) The Relationship between the Quality of Government and Health
- 2) A Preliminary Study of the Aid Regime and the Aid Effectiveness: Focusing on Korea's Recipient Experience
[Academic conference] 2014 KAIDEC Academic Conference <International Development Cooperation and Social Economy> Session
- Date/time: Friday, December 5, 2014 02:00pm-03:50pm
- Location: Seoul National University GSIS 140-2 Building, Suite 202
- Presentation:
- Establishing a Poverty Reduction Model through Self-Supporting Fair Trade Coffee in East Timor: An Integrated Approach to Youth Participation, Social Enterprise and Community Organizing
- Social Enterprise Activation Project in Kathmandu, Nepal: Establishment of Social Enterprise Activation Center to Promote Capacities of Fair Trade and Fair Tourism
- Social Enterprise Center for Sustainable Development to Meet Basic Human Needs (BHN) and Economic Independence of Underprivileged in Rwanda
[Workshop] 2014 2nd Workshop on Business Model Module Development for East Timor Fair Trade Coffee
- Date/time: Friday, November 7, 2014 04:00pm
- Location: Timor Plaza in Dili City, East Timor
- Summary: Community Organizing, Income Generation, Social Enterprise, Fair Trade Project Component Flow Chart, Detailed Explanation about Each Component
[Workshop] Evaluation Workshop on the Fair Trade Coffee Project in East Timor
- Date/time: Friday, November 7, 2014 10:00am
- Location: Timor Plaza in Dili City, East Timor
- Purpose: Sharing the Outcomes of 2013-2014 Project with Participants and Stakeholders
- Presentation:
- Performance Summary of the Fair Trade Coffee Project in East Timor
- Performance Assessment Results of the Fair Trade Coffee Project in East Timor
[Workshop] Workshop for Comprehensive Evaluation of Global CSR Programs
- Date/time: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 04:00pm
- Location: Kyung Hee University Cheongwoon Building, Suite 619
- Presentation: 2010-2013 Evaluation Framework and Performance Analysis of Global CSR Programs
[Symposium] Advancement of and Consistency between Grant Aid Policy Formulation in Korea and its Implementation
- Date/time: Friday, September 26, 2014 03:00pm-06:00pm
- Location: 2nd Floor Convention Room at University Administration Building of Kyung Hee University
- Presentation:
- Discussion of Consistency between the Diplomatic Strategy, Aid Policy and their Implementation
- Analysis of Aid Strategy and Implementation Process of OECD DAC Donors: Focusing on the Cases of the US and Sweden
- Current Issues of Grant Aid Implementation System and its Improvements: Focusing on MOFA and KOICA
- Searching for Improvements of Grant Aid Implementation: Focusing on Enhancement of KOICA's Competitiveness
[Forum] Seminar on the Evaluation Framework for the East Timor Fair Trade Coffee
- Date/time: Thursday, June 19, 2014 04:00pm-06:00pm
- Location: Toz Daehangno 5th Floor Suite P4
- Summary: Discussion of the Development of East Timor Project Evaluation Framework, Methodology and Approach
[Workshop] 2014 1st Workshop on Business Model Module Development for East Timor Fair Trade Coffee
- Date/time: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 03:00pm
- Location: Kyung Hee University Seoul Campus Cheongwoon Building, Suite 402
- Summary: Briefing on the Project and Discussion of the Fair Trade Coffee as well as Cooperatives
[Briefing session] Interim Briefing Session about University's Self-Excavating Development Cooperation Projects (KOICA)
- Date/time: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 05:00pm-06:30pm
- Location: Kyung Hee University Cheongwoon Building, Suite 613 (Seminar Room)
[Workshop] Workshop on Business-Model Module Development for East Timor Fair Trade Coffee
- Date/time: Monday, December 9, 2013 04:00pm-06:00pm
- Location: Conference Room at Korean National Council of YMCAs
- Purpose: To review the 2013 East Timor project to compose a module for fair trade coffee business model based on cooperatives
[Forum] Seminar on Evaluation Framework for Korean CSO Development Projects
- Date/time: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 02:30pm-06:00pm
- Location: Rachel Carson Hall at Korea Green Foundation
- Purpose: To contribute to improving the effectiveness of CSOs by sharing project monitoring and evaluation framework of CSOs that implement development projects in diverse fields
[Consultation] NGO Consultative Meeting on Development of Performance Evaluation Framework for Public-Private Partnership Projects
- Date/time: Thursday, September 12, 2013 02:00pm
- Location: Kyung Hee University Cheongwoon Building, Suite 613 (Seminar Room)
- Discussion:
- 1) Appropriateness of the qualitative assessment framework
- 2) Possibility of CSO activists' utilization of the qualitative assessment framework
- 3) Items to be supplemented when the framework is applied to each sector, such as agriculture, health-care, drinking water and social enterprises
- 4) Items to be added to the manual for implementation
[Special lecture] Kyung Hee University CIDEC SSK Research Team Special Lecture Series (I)
- Date/time: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 01:30pm-03:00pm
- Location: Kyung Hee University Cheongwoon Building, Suite 207
- Topic: The Role of Civil Society for Social Security
[Forum] Plans to Revitalize Public-Private Partnership for Response to Climate Change
- Date/time: Thursday, June 14, 2012 02:00pm-05:30pm
- Location: Convention Room on 2nd Floor at University Administration Building of Kyung Hee University
- Topic: Plans to Revitalize Public-Private Partnership for Effective Response to Climate Change
- Summary: Presentation on Research Results and PPP Cases
[Capacity building] Government-Civil Society Partnerships and Development NGOs' Capacity-Building for Development Effectiveness
- Date/time: Thursday, August 11, 2011 02:00pm-05:30pm
- Location: Lecture Hall at Community Chest of Korea
- Presentation:
- 1) Research Overview
- 2) OECD/DAC Government-Civil Society Partnership Status and its Policy Implication
- 3) OECD/DAC Development NGOs' Capacity Building Status and Future Tasks
[Discussion session] Discussion on Improvement of NGO Support Projects
- Date/time: Saturday, October 16, 2010 02:00pm-04:00pm
- Location: Lecture Hall at Citizens for Health of Korea