[CIDEC SSK] 2021 KAAS the First Half Conference
- Date: Jun 05, 2021
- Time: 15:10 - 16:20
- Online Session
◦ Topic: Africa and Development Comparative Perspectives
◦ Chair: Kim, Jiyoung (Soongsil University)
◦ Presenter:
- Kim, Soowon (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) :
The (dis)connected in South Africa
- Kim, Eunkyoung (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) :
An electoral geography of Africa: Regionalism and sectoral profile of persistent electoral blocs
- Yi, Jisun (Kyung Hee University) :
Foreign Aid and Regime Survival in North Korea and Africa
◦ Discussant: Kim, Dongsuk (Korea National Diplomatic Academy),
Kim, Youngwan (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies),
Jung, Jinho (Univ. of Oxford)
