[CIDEC SSK] 2020 KPSA Annual Conference
- Date: Dec 12, 2020
- Time: 10:50 - 12:30
- Online Session
◦ Topic: COVID19 and International Development Cooperation
◦ Chair: Kim, Seokwoo (University of Seoul)
◦ Presenter:
- Choi, Changyong (KDI School) :
COVID-19 Response and International Development Cooperation in South Korea
- Kim, Booyuel (Seoul National University) :
Adaptive Learning and Student Performance : Evidence from Vietnam
- Yi, Jisun (Kyung Hee University) :
Hunger and the Data Challenge : Case of North Korea in the New Eras of SDGs and COVID
◦ Discussant: Lee, Jinyoung (Kyung Hee University),
Jung, Dajeong (Seoul National University), Kang, Woocheol (EDCF)
