[CIDEC SSK] 2020 KAIDEC Annual Summer Conference
- Date: Aug 21, 2020
- Time: 15:20 - 16:40
- Online Session
◦ Topic: Trend and Cases of International Development Cooperation :
ODA, Political Ideology, and Business Effectiveness
◦ Chair: Kim, Taekyoon (Seoul National University)
◦ Presenter:
- Moon, Kyungyon (Chonbuk National University) :
A Study on the Conservatization of ODA in the Global Economic Crisis
- Kim, Booyuel (Seoul National University) :
Intergroup competition increases intragroup cooperation :
Experimental evidence from Myanmar and Cambodia
- Woo, Chang Bin (Kyung Hee University) :
Effects of Social Capital and Governance on the Performance of Development Cooperation Projects :
Focusing on Rural Community Development Projects in Myanmar
◦ Discussant: Kim, Youngwan (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies),
Hong, Moonsuk (Seoul National University), Han, Seunghun (Seoul National University)
